Digital product passport and circular economy: the role of eco-organizations

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The digital product passport can contribute to the development of the circular economy by leveraging the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), and eco-organizations

Digital product passport and circular economy: the role of eco-organizations

To develop the circular economy and implement the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), France has incorporated the concept of "Extended Producer Responsibility" (EPR), proposed by the OECD. This concept refers to approaches and mechanisms that restore the responsibility of the producer of manufactured goods for the management of final or intermediate waste generated by the products they have manufactured or placed on the market. EPR aims to encourage producers to take environmental considerations into account throughout the lifecycle of their products, from design to disposal. This responsibility may include taking back, recycling, and ultimately disposing of the product at the end of its life, thereby promoting more sustainable production and consumption patterns.

The principle of the circular economy

The circular economy is an economic and environmental model that differs from the traditional linear economy. While the linear economy follows a "produce, use, dispose" pattern, the circular economy seeks to minimize waste and maximize the use of resources.

Here are the main elements that characterize the circular economy:

  • Resource and Waste Reduction: The circular economy aims to reduce the consumption of new resources and the generation of waste as much as possible. This involves rethinking product design so that they are more durable, easily repairable, and recyclable.
  • Reuse and Repair: Instead of discarding products at the end of their life, the circular economy encourages their reuse or repair. This can involve refurbishing used products or reallocating them to new uses.
  • Recycling and Recovery: When reuse is not possible, recycling materials allows them to be transformed into new products, thus reducing the need for virgin raw materials. Recovery, including the conversion of waste into energy, is also an important component. 
  • Eco-Design: The circular economy requires consideration of product design from the beginning of the process. This means designing products with their end of life in mind, facilitating their disassembly, recycling, or composting. 
  • Innovative Business Models: The circular economy also encourages new business models, such as the functionality economy, where consumers pay for the use of a product rather than its ownership. This can include rental, sharing, or service models.
  • Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility: At the heart of the circular economy is a commitment to sustainability. This model seeks not only to reduce waste and pollution but also to preserve ecosystems and promote responsible resource management.
  • Collaboration and Holistic System: The circular economy requires collaboration among different stakeholders: businesses, consumers, governments, and non-governmental organizations. It demands a systemic approach, where actions in one part of the cycle have repercussions on others.

The "3Rs" rule: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The 3Rs of the circular economy are fundamental principles aimed at promoting more sustainable and responsible resource management.

These 3Rs represent:

  • Reduce: This principle involves minimizing the amount of resources used in the production of goods and services. This includes the use of less resource-intensive materials, the design of more energy-efficient products, and the reduction of consumption in general. By reducing resource consumption, we decrease environmental impact and save costs.
  • Reuse: Reusing means extending the life of a product by using it multiple times, either for the same purpose or for a different one. This can involve repairing, refurbishing, or reallocating products to avoid creating waste. Reuse not only helps reduce waste but also promotes more responsible consumption by maximizing the use of existing products.
  • Recycling: it involves converting waste into new materials or products. When a product reaches the end of its useful life, its materials can be recovered and reused to create new products, thereby reducing dependence on virgin resources and minimizing waste. Recycling often requires sorting and processing procedures to recover recyclable materials.

Together, these three principles contribute to creating a more circular economic model, where resources are used more efficiently and sustainably, thus reducing environmental and economic impacts. They also encourage innovation in product design and business models, promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is an environmental principle that extends the responsibility of manufacturers and importers of products beyond production and sale, to also include the end-of-life management of their products. This principle is a key element of the circular economy and aims to encourage companies to design more environmentally friendly products and to manage the waste generated by their products responsibly.

Objectives of EPR

  • Waste Prevention: Encourage producers to design products that are less polluting and easier to recycle.
  • Recycling and Recovery: Increase the recycling and recovery of waste from these products.
  • Reduction of Environmental Impact: Reduce the overall environmental impact of products, from their creation to disposal.

How EPR Works

  • Producer Involvement: Manufacturers are responsible for the collection, treatment, and recycling of waste from their products.
  • Financial Contribution: Companies may pay an eco-contribution to an eco-organization that will handle waste management, or directly manage the end-of-life of their products.
  • Information and Awareness: Producers must also inform and raise awareness among consumers about waste sorting and reduction.

Impact on Businesses

  • Innovation in Product Design: Encourages eco-design, meaning the creation of durable, repairable, and recyclable products.
  • Lifecycle Management: Businesses must consider the complete lifecycle of the product, incorporating end-of-life considerations from the design phase.

Examples of Affected Products

  • Electronic and electrical equipment.
  • Packaging.
  • Vehicles.
  • Tires.
  • Textiles.
  • Chemical products.

Advantages of EPR

  • Environmental Protection: Reduction of pollution and waste, preservation of natural resources.
  • Innovation and Competitiveness: Stimulates innovation and can give a competitive edge to companies that adopt sustainable practices.
  • Stakeholder Accountability: Involves producers in solving environmental problems related to waste.

Eco-organizations in France and their role in the application of the 3 Rs

In France, eco-organizations are private law companies owned by producers and distributors to manage, within the framework of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), the end-of-life of the equipment they place on the market. They play a key role in applying the principles of the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in the circular economy.

Here is a detailed explanation of their function and role:

Definition and Structure of Eco-Organizations

  • Nature: Eco-organizations are generally non-profit entities created by companies within the same sector to collectively manage their environmental obligations.
  • Funding: They are often funded by eco-contributions paid by the companies on the products they put on the market. These contributions are used to finance the collection, sorting, reuse, recycling, and recovery of waste.

Role in the Application of the 3Rs


  • Awareness and Prevention: Eco-organizations conduct awareness campaigns among consumers and businesses about the importance of waste reduction.
  • Process Optimization: They collaborate with companies to optimize production and distribution processes to minimize waste.


  • Promotion of Reuse: Eco-organizations encourage the reuse of end-of-life products, particularly by supporting reuse and repair networks.
  • Partnerships: They establish partnerships with associations and social and solidarity economy businesses to facilitate product reuse.


  • Waste Management: Eco-organizations organize and finance the collection and treatment of waste from end-of-life products.
  • Recycling Improvement: They work on improving sorting and recycling processes and support the development of new recycling technologies.

Global Impact

  • Transition to the Circular Economy: Eco-organizations are key players in the transition to a more circular economy by ensuring responsible waste management and promoting eco-design of products. Regulation and 
  • Compliance: They help companies comply with waste management legislation and fulfill their environmental obligations.


How the Digital Product Passport Can Support the Development of the Circular Economy by Leveraging the 3Rs and Eco-Organizations

The "digital product passport" emerges as an innovative tool in this dynamic. It represents a true digital identity for products, encompassing essential information such as composition, origin, repair or recycling instructions. This passport can revolutionize the circular economy in several ways:

  • Transparency and Traceability: By providing detailed data on materials and components, the digital passport facilitates sorting and recycling, thus better applying the Recycle principle.
  • Facilitation of Repair and Reuse: Thanks to the information contained in the passport, users and professionals can easily repair or reuse products, thereby reinforcing the Reuse principle.
  • Optimization of Product Design: Manufacturers can use the collected data to improve their product designs, making them more durable and easily recyclable, contributing to the Reduce principle.
  • Synergy with Eco-Organizations: Digital product passports can help eco-organizations more precisely identify materials for recycling and optimize their waste management processes.
  • Consumer Engagement: By having access to information about the origin and composition of products, consumers can make more informed and responsible choices, promoting a circular economy.

By integrating the digital product passport into the product lifecycle, companies and eco-organizations can work more cohesively and efficiently towards a circular economic model. This technology thus represents a step further towards a sustainable future where each product is designed, used, and recycled with its environmental impact and long-term value in mind.